Abba is a very famous group of music formed in Estocolmo in 1972. There are four members: Anni-Frid, Lyngstad, Benny Andreson, Björn Ulveaus and Agentha Fältskag.
Anni-Frid Lyngstad was born in Ballagen. Her birthday is the 15th November. She has dark hair and brown eyes.
Benny Ansreson was born in Estocolmo , Sweden . His birthday is the 16th Desember. He has brown hair and blue eyes.
Björn Ulveaus was born in Gotemburgo. His birthday is the 25th of April. He has dark hair and blue eyes.
Agentha Fältskag was born in Joiköping , Sweden . Her birthday is the 5th of April. She has blond hair and blue eyes.
This band does pop music.
The group is called ABBA because these letters are the first of the component’s names (Anni-Frid, Lyngstad, Benny Andreson, Björn Ulveaus and Agentha Fältskag).
In our opinion, this is a very good band because their music is very beautiful. We like the film Mamma Mia with its songs. It is a very amazing film that we will watch in the TV corner.