26 May 2011



The capital of the country is London. The big country is London and the are 130.395 km2 of surface.
The are 51.446.000 people England, 2.999.000 people in Scotland  and 5.222.000 people in Wales.
The language they talk is English. The best places to visit are: Tower Brigde, Big Ben, London Brigde, the cathedral of London and the zoo of London.

Arnau Torrent Climent
Arnau Cabrera Abadias    



England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. The capital is London.
This country has an Europe tunnel which connects Europe with England. It has 5146600  people and their language is English.
You can visit a lot of nice cities like for example Oxford, Manchester, Birmingham, Edinburgh (but it’s in Scotland) and other cities.
There are also a lot of monuments you can visit like for example: the Big Ben (London), Stonehenge and a lot of castles.
There are beautiful landscapes because it has a lot of vegetation. The famous rivers it has are: Thames (in Spanish Tamesi), Mersey and Tyne respectively.